How can we work together?


Diabetes Nutrition Coaching

Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been struggling with your blood sugars for a while, as a team, we will look at your life as a whole considering lifestyle factors such as stress management, sleep, daily activity and hydration to craft a personalized plan that fits seamlessly into your life.

Are you ready to reclaim your life with diabetes?

1:1 Diabetes Nutrition Coaching and Support


This provides high level support, accountability, education and access to me for 12 weeks, virtually, from the comfort of your own home.
  • Customized nutrition guidance tailored to your individual health needs providing you a thorough understanding of how to eat with Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes

  • Support with non-nutrition lifestyle factors affecting blood sugar management including sleep, stress and movement.

  • Ability to work through secondary goals such as weight management, lowering cholesterol, and more.

  • Live biweekly virtual calls where we discuss challenges, troubleshoot barriers, set goals and outline realistic shifts in habits to optimize blood sugar management.

  • Access to HIPAA-compliant platform with daily food and blood sugar journals for personalized review and support by me.

  • Unlimited messenger support in between sessions so you can always have your burning nutrition and blood sugar questions answered.

This level of support is for you if...

  • You are newly diagnosed or have been struggling with your blood sugar for a while. You're overwhelmed with your diagnosis and feel confusion by all the conflicting information online.

  • You feel like you have tried every diet out there to lower your A1C, yet your blood sugars are still not coming down. You want sound nutrition advice so you can confidently adjust your nutrition to lower your A1C.

  • You may feel confused or unheard by your medical team and have never been referred to a dietitian or diabetes specialist.

  • You want to be able to enjoy gatherings, holidays, vacations and special events and not stress about your blood sugars the whole time.

  • You are worried about developing complications from diabetes and want to be on less medication or prevent starting new ones.

By the end of the 12 weeks you'll be able to...

  • Fully understand your diabetes diagnosis and the causes of insulin resistance.

  • Be confident and clear on how you should be eating to keep your blood sugars balanced, still enjoy the foods you love and reduce insulin resistance.

  • Lower your A1C and learn ways to maintain it without making massive unrealistic shifts to your diet and lifestyle.

flat lay photography of fruits on plate

Group Education - Diving Into Your Diagnosis

An intimate 6-week group coaching experience handing you the tools, skills, and strategies to understand what nutrition, movement, and lifestyle shifts to make to optimize your blood sugars with Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-diabetes. Primary outcomes of this program 👇

  • A complete understanding of your diagnosis to stop feeling overwhelm and confusion and start feeling confident and empowered in managing your journey with ease.

  • Getting confident and clear on how to plan, build, and balance foods for effective meal planning strategies so you could eat with confidence without cutting out your favorite pasta dish or holiday desserts.

  • A toolbox filled with strategies for lifestyle, movement, and medication considerations to make sure you feel fully supported with successfully navigating your diagnosis with all the twists and turns in every season of life.

What's included?

  • 6 Week Program runs January 26 - March 2

  • Weekly live educational sessions, with access to the recordings if you can’t join live

  • 7 day blood sugar friendly meal plan

  • Blood sugar friendly snack guide

  • Template for navigating medical appointments for diabetes including questions to ask your doctor

  • Community support with individuals on a similar journey

  • Access to food and blood sugar journal for weekly feedback and review

  • Monday through Friday chat support

Program starts Sunday, January 26th!

PRICE IS $394 (1 installment of $394 OR 2 installments of $197)